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Google Text-to-Speech

Current Version:
Requires Android: 4.0.3 and up
Category: Tools
v3.0.11.1070024 update:
Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish (United States) now supported
• English (United Kingdom) male voice available for download
• High quality voices available for download for English (United Kingdom) and English (US)
• Updated user interface for voice data management
Google Text-to-speech powers applications to read the text on your screen aloud. For example, it can be used by:
• Google Play Books to “Read Aloud” your favourite book
• Google Translate to speak translations aloud so that you can hear the pronunciation of a word
• TalkBack and accessibility applications for spoken feedback across your device
• … and many other applications in Play Store
To use Google Text-to-speech on your Android device, go to Settings > Language & Input > Text-to-speech output. Select Google Text-to-speech Engine as your preferred engine. Note, on many Android devices, Google Text-to-Speech is already turned on, but you can update to the latest version here.
Languages supported: English (United Kingdom), English (United States), French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (United States).