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Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Category: Tools
v2.5.4a update:
- v2.5.4a : Export to text file. Background image.
- v2.5.4 : Minor fix on screen capture.
- v2.5.3 : Digital mode support.
- v2.5.2a : Nexus 7 2nd-gen support.
- v2.5.2 : Night mode support.
- v2.5.1 : Screen capture. Share with.
- v2.5.0 : ActionBar added. Portrait mode support.
- v2.4.3 : GPS Speedometer option added, Nexus 10 support.
- v2.4.2 : Azimuth types added.(Quadrants)
* SMS permission (sending GPS information via SMS)
Smart Compass Pro is the 3rd set of Smart Tools collection (azimuth, metal detector, GPS).
* Especially on SGS4, a view-cover with magnets can make the compass inaccurate. Remove it right now !!
This compass is a tool to search bearings using the built-in magnetic sensors. It has 4 significant features.
1. Although you may turn the phone into portrait or landscape mode, the heading is fixed.
2. The Camera’s view is used for reality.
3. Metal Detector is included to verify the magnetic sensor.
4. GPS is supported.
The compass app depends on the performance of your device exactly. If the compass works perfectly, it means that your sensors are perfect, too.
If it is inaccurate, please check that you aren’t being affected by a magnetic field. Also, there are several options to calibrate your device.
* Pro version added Features:
- True north
- Sending GPS info via SMS and Email
- Full metal detector
- Various Coordinate Types (UTM)
- Military Coordinate (MGRS, mil)
- Qibla finder, Car locator
- GPS Speedometer
- No ads, No connection
* Do you want more tools?
Get [Smart Tools] package.
For more information, see the manual, Youtube video and the blog. Thank you.