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Launcher 8 1.7f

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Current Version: 1.7f
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Category: Tools
v1.7f update:
- Fixed issue with contact tile
- Fixed crash when switching to black icons while icons were loading
- Added new option General > Bitmap buffering. Enabling it will allow certain tiles to perform drawing faster. Naturally needs more memory, but if you don’t have too many tiles and you have 2.x, you might like this option.
- Number of widget pages can now be selected from General-settings (0-3). So you can now get rid of the pages completely if you hate them.
Windows Phone 8 style launcher – from the maker of Launcher 7.
This launcher will make your phone look like Winphone 8.
Current features
- Fly animations like real phone, slightly evolved from L7 fly animation
- Application list also contains fly animation
- Completely redesigned how tiles are defined
- Contains animated tiles: flipping contacts tile, single contact tile, sms counter, calendar
- Phone counter is included, but does not have any animations
- Application list icons can be customized
- Up to three pages for widgets
Android 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 highly recommended. 4.3 not so, thanks to a bug Google didn’t fix :( 4.4 is probably brilliant. 2.x should be usable.
When you start L8 for the very first time, it will load icon package from the Google’s servers. By default it will not load the package if you are not connected to Wifi network. Enable mobile-button will then allow you to download the package using cellular network. The size of the package is currently about 5 megabytes.
Click restart L8-button after icon package is downloaded and L8 will then start.
Setting tile images is different from L7, now you define a drawable for each tile. Drawable then defines what will be drawn on the tile (icon, picture, calendar,…). Multiple tiles can share same drawable. Also drawables can contain drawables, but currently only single contact tile allows you to nest drawables.
Contans advertisments, you can remove them from the in-app store.