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QQmail 2.1

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Current Version: 2.1
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Category: Tools
v2.1 update:
1. 全新界面,耳目一新的视觉体验
2. 添加重要联系人,在重要联系人文件夹下快速查看和管理他们的来信
3. 在记事本里通过文字、照片、录音记录工作与生活,所记内容将与云端实时同步
4. 随时随地查看、续期存放在中转站的文件,还可以通过邮件把它分享给好友们
5. 关联多个QQ邮箱,随时掌握它们的入信变化
6. 支持附件异步下载,无需停留在附件下载页面等待
7. 通过发件人、收件人、主题多个纬度,更精准搜索邮件
8. 在设置中手动清除已缓存的邮件与附件
QQmail app gives you excellent email experience and instant new mail notification. You may access your QQ e-mails from android device more efficiently.
QQmail also lets you:
1. Get new mail notification instantly.
2. Send photos and files from your phone using QQmail.
3. Preview attachments online or open them with apps on your phone.
4. Search emails in all or specific folders.
5. Manage emails easily in inbox,group-mail folder, personal folders and other POP account folders.
6. Access emails with enterprise email accounts.
7. Synchronous update data between your phone and computers.