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Mini Launcher 1.22

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Current Version: 1.22
Requires Android: 4.0 and up
Category: Tools
v1.22 update:
1.(New)Customize APP name and icon
2.(New)Desktop settings
3.(New)Hide Drawer App
4. (Improve)Remove Google Search bar
5.(New)New Theme recommend
6. (Improve)Fix bug
Mini Launcher is an original & customized launcher for Android 4.0+(Tablet is unavailable). Looking for best Android experience? Get Mini Launcher now!
Main Features
1. Apply to GO Launcher theme/icon/ widgets which can be used only on GO Launcher EX before
2. Mini sidebar to display current weather info, recent calls & messages, most used switches, recently used apps
3. Scrollable dock to shortcut to your favorite apps, up to 5 rows and 5 icons per row
4. APP name and icon customization to make your phone more personalized
5. Add bulk apps to a folder at once
6. Customize homescreen page
What is coming soon
1. Customize interface
2. Screen scroll effect
3. Gestures and Button
4. More features to be continued…
Access Widget Data: This is in order to display the widget and widget’s data to you. The data is not used for anything aside from displaying it.
Wallpaper/Vibrate/Network/Internet/Call_Phone(Just display)
Write_External_Storage/Write_Settings: This is in order to save your customized data.