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iFlytek Voice Input 3.1.1312

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Current Version: 3.1.1312
Requires Android: 1.5 and up
Category: Tools
v3.1.1312 update:
1. 新增夜间模式,点击键盘左上角图标进入【设置】页面,进行日间模式和夜间模式的快速切换
2. 优化默认皮肤,更加整洁美观
3. 优化键盘切换页面,点击键盘上方第二个键盘图标进入全新的切换页面,拼音/手写/笔画/英文切换一键直达
4. 优化短语和长句输入的记忆策略,更符合使用习惯
5. 优化点划/双键布局的笔画键盘:调整【分词】、【通配】按钮的位置,更符合操作习惯
6. 细节优化:为有需要的用户提供全屏手写点击动作的【求助】提示
7. 细节优化:笔画功能新增对无效输入的处理
8. 修复打开某些皮肤分类时部分内容获取不到的问题
9. 修复部分界面修饰性问题
iFlytek Voice Input, as a smart input method for mobile phone, is launched by iFlytek based on iFLY voice cloud. It has won 1st place prize in AppSpace competition companion with Global Mobile Internet Conference 2011.
The software integrates speech recognition, handwriting recognition and keyboard entry. With patented algorithm design, iFLY Voice Input ingeniously realizes seamless integration of handwriting and keyboard entry in the same interface, thereby effectively expands the applicable population of the software and significantly improves the text input speed in mobile phone.
Functions & Features:
- Sets voice, handwriting and keyboard input as one function, easy to deal with various scenarios.
- The world’s leading intelligent speech technology, voice input will be more convenient.
- Horizontal screen and vertical screen stack to write, handwriting input is arbitrary.
- Nine-square grid and sliding full keyboard switch, keyboard input is handy.
1. 手写输入
- 键盘区直接起笔手写,无需切换输入模式
- 连续手写无需停顿
- 竖屏叠写、横屏连写
- 支持手写区域动态扩大和全屏手写
2. 语音输入
- 采用全球领先的智能语音技术
- 边说边识别,无需停顿,支持整句识别
- 自动添加标点符号,智能检测说话结束
- 说出网站名称直接转换为URL地址
3. 键盘输入
- 九宫格、全键盘底行滑动切换
- 支持笔画输入
- 支持实体键盘输入
- 按键智能纠错、中英文混拼、表情符号、编辑面板一应俱全
关键词:输入法,Android输入法,Google IME,安卓输入法,语音输入,语音识别,微博输入,短信输入,笔画,QQ聊天,手机输入法,新浪微博,腾讯微博,红围脖,语音备忘,手写输入,拼音输 入,云输入,搜狐微博(同类产品:搜狗 百度 触宝 QQ 腾讯 谷歌 Go 新浪 A4 点讯)